Employment Opportunities

Help us keep West Broadway beautiful!


We're hiring for FOUR positions this summer!

The West Broadway BIZ has four summer student positions available for 2024. We’re looking for enthusiastic, inclusive, welcoming youth between the ages of 16 and 29 to help keep West Broadway looking beautiful all summer long. If you want to spend your summer outdoors, this might be the spot for you!

There are two roles available:

Watering Technician (May 31st to August 31st)
Summer Streetscaping Team (May 31st to August 31st)

We look forward to another great summer in West Broadway and hope you’ll be a part of it!


Watering Technicians | 2 positions | $16.60 per hour

This position’s main role is to take care of the flowers in West Broadway. Using a motorized vehicle with a large water tank and pump, you’ll water, weed and otherwise care for the plants along Sherbrook, Maryland, Broadway and others. There are other duties that might be assigned, such as reporting graffiti and helping with occasional events.


  • Valid Class 5 Full Stage Driver’s License (required for one team member)
  • Ability to work outdoors in all types of weather and for long stretches
  • Some experience in landscaping, gardening and plant care is an asset
  • Possess a positive attitude with strong interpersonal, and problem solving skills
  • Willingness to learn new skills as needed
  • Experience operating and maintaining small equipment and tools is an asset
  • Familiarity with West Broadway neighbourhood and community is an asset

This role is scheduled to work 30 hours a week from Monday to Friday. Please note that weather might impact the number of hours, as a particularly wet summer season means less watering required.

The position is based out of the BIZ's office at 748 Broadway, where employees can access a full kitchen, lunch space and washrooms. There is no parking lot available.

To apply for this position, please send a cover letter and resume by May 17th to: [email protected].


Streetscaping Technician | 2 positions | $15.75 an hour

The Streetscaping team focuses on keeping our neighbourhood beautiful. Technicians will clean up litter, weeds, and remove old posters. Other duties include: Planting flowers, reporting graffiti, painting bike racks or other street furnishings, assisting with occasional events, and more to help keep West Broadway looking its best!


  • Ability to work outdoors in all types of weather and for long stretches
  • Some experience in landscaping, painting, or basic maintenance an asset
  • Possess a positive attitude with strong interpersonal, and problem solving skills
  • Willingness to learn new skills as needed
  • Familiarity with West Broadway neighbourhood and community is an asset

This role is scheduled to work 30 hours a week from Monday to Friday. Please note that weather might impact the number of hours.

The position is based out of the BIZ's office at 748 Broadway, where employees can access a full kitchen, lunch space and washrooms. There is no parking lot available.

To apply for this position, please send a cover letter and resume before May 17th to: [email protected].



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