Help reduce red tape in our City!

The City is starting the red tape reduction initiative and would like you to participate. We want to hear from businesses and business organizations to learn more about the challenges they have experienced when interacting with the City of Winnipeg, and will develop a list of top 10 outdated by-laws or regulations that could be eliminated or streamlined to make doing business with the City more efficient. We are asking you to consider making a submission to our red tape reduction initiative, and would appreciate it if you would circulate this open call for submissions to your fellow business owners and share the attached social media graphics.

The open call for feedback will be followed by grouping that feedback into themes. Once we have grouped the feedback, we will be arranging meetings with businesses and business organizations to discuss and prioritize the feedback into a top 10 list.

Please call 204-986-4243 or contact [email protected] if you have feedback or questions.

More information at