West Broadway Beautiful video

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We keep getting these little tastes of spring and warm weather vibes so we figured we’d try to help that along by sharing our West Broadway Beautiful video! Using our new West Broadway Walking Maps, some gorgeous Queens and a King explore their neighbourhood and stop in at a few businesses. This is a big smile in video form: drag queens and kings, amazing local businesses, and a catchy beat.

The maps are available at some West Broadway businesses, Travel Manitoba, and we’ll be dropping them off at hotels and other spots in the city in the next while.

We’re so happy to share this video and we need to thank BnB Studios for their creativity being an overall dream to work with, the The Bannock Babes for being up to traipse around the neighbourhood, and Crabskull for making the soundtrack. This video was made possible by the City of Winnipeg Wellness Grant via councillor Sherri Rollins.

(The performers in the video are two roommates and two family members. In instances where masks weren’t worn the store was closed or empty and the shot had been arranged and distancing was in effect. All video crew wore masks)