

The West Broadway BIZ administers four grant programs to support the development of our member businesses and the vibrancy of our community.

Please contact us to discuss the suitability of your project before you start work.

Read these important Terms & Conditions before you apply.


Community Events Grant

Open to the public!

The West Broadway BIZ loves to support public events of all kinds in our community. This program provides funding to enhance events and arts within West Broadway that will benefit the business district. Help us make the neighbourhood a livelier and more vibrant place to live, work and visit.

Contact us if you would like to be listed as an event venue.

Download Grant Application



Storefront Improvement Grant

Members only.

This grant is intended to help member businesses grow while enhancing the commercial viability of our neighbourhood. We will reimburse up to 50% of expenses for physical improvements to their storefronts, such as exterior painting, wall finishing & façade improvements, awnings & signage, doors & windows, and landscaping and general entryway improvements.

Eligible costs include the related labour and supply costs of an improvement, but not the costs related to zoning, permits, administration, legal and/or financing services.

Download Grant Application


Keeping West Broadway beautiful.

Safety & Security Program

Members only.

This grant helps to support the safety of local businesses and their teams. We will reimburse up to 50% of expenses for improvements such as exterior lighting, security cameras, locks & safes, and Rockglass or window films.

Eligible costs include the related labour and supply costs of an improvement, but not the costs related to zoning, permits, administration, legal and/or financing services.

Download Grant Application


Business Development Grant

Members only.

This program provides funding to support a variety of new directions for member businesses. We will reimburse up to 50% of expenses for marketing initiatives, new equipment, staff training and professional development, consulting and professional services (eg: architects, engineers & designers), & physical improvements to customer spaces.

Do you have a dream for your business? We want to help you make it a reality.

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